Apr 25, 2013

Michigan Senate Votes to Keep BAC at .08 For Drunk Driving Law

The Michigan Senate unanimously approved a bill that will keep the legal limit of blood alcohol for drivers at .08.  Recently, there had been some debate to raise the legal limit from .08 to .10, where it had been prior to the turn-of-the-century drunk driving reforms.

The Senate bill is expected to be signed by Governor Snyder, keeping Michigan in line with the other 49 states, all of which have .08 BAC levels relative to drunk driving.

According to testimony at the Senate hearings on the bill, the Michigan State Police produced evidence that Michigan will also continue receiving a federal highway grant worth approximately $50 million by keeping the BAC right where it is.

Here at the electronic criminal attorney blog, we have to admit that we agree with the Michigan Senate on this one.  Best to err on the side of caution and safety where our public roads are concerned.

For those of us that have a relatively high tolerance for alcohol, just plan to have that night cap at home, when your car is parked safely in the garage.



Unknown said...

I also agree. We should have as little alcohol on the road as possible. Besides if you're going to need a rocklin criminal attorney it shouldn't be for drinking and driving, hopefully you don't need one but mistakes do happen.

Unknown said...

This may get a few criminal lawyer excited for the many people that will come by their doors needing them. Onward to the Newmarket to help those unfortunate souls along the way.

Unknown said...

I have always loved these. The criminal lawyers in Edmonton know that they will always have a good case here.

Anonymous said...

I think this is really clever! I like the electronic criminal lawyers in edmonton! This is a great way to test alcohol levels in the blood!

Anonymous said...

My friend had a really good DUI lawyer from Moline IL, that seemed to be able to help her out.

Anonymous said...

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T. Charles said...

This is a piece of good news. Most states keep BAC at that level.

Alta said...

This is cool!

Unknown said...

In Florida, a person is considered to be legally drunk if his or her blood alcohol content (BAC) is measured at .08 or higher. However, numerous scientific studies show that a driver’s skill may be impaired at BAC levels as low as .039. Even if a person is not considered to be legally drunk, he or she may still be found negligent if he or she was impaired by drinking.

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Anonymous said...

In Florida, a person is considered to be legally drunk if his or her blood alcohol content (BAC) is measured at .08 or higher. However, numerous scientific studies show that a driver’s skill may be impaired at BAC levels as low as .039. Even if a person is not considered to be legally drunk, he or she may still be found negligent if he or she was impaired by drinking. Google